Saturday, October 16, 2010

How to make a good Aim for Business Planning!

The aim of business is isolate the essential factors which gives the business plans and relevance to the needs of people thus making yourself busy for serving the community people through supplying their need or utilising your skills for community development.
Keep your statement of business aim very short and precise.Check and double check the wording of the aim for accuracy and clarity to be sure it is not ambigous.The aim should embrace the philosophy of the business so keep it terms general .The aim is usually worded to state what one hopes to achieve in the business targeting its intended customers/clients so that they make the enterprise a success story.Phrase the aim so that it cooperates the development of the particular view of the the business.
Content is derived from the the survey analysis of people's needs and selection is determined by general aims for example work and leisure,self reliance,economic status of the people how they can be retained the the busines setup and remain coming back time and again. For example the business must cater for average,low or high earned clients /customers so that it recognise more business activities.Previous knowledge of people's needs is a reliable way to build on knowledge which acquired for capturing their interests and motivate them to be in business. Only such knowledge which is relevant to new knowledge to be used in any business research.
Business activities such as advertising ,blogging ,promotions must strive to talk back to the consumers so that they feel secured in their concerns and the way the engage you in business. Consumers nowadays tend to reject brands which cannot talk back to them. It should be designed and administered by a business person with intention of atterning a business objectives through guided consumer activites involving a variety of business techniques to make it viable.
consideration of business planning:The standard of products,consumer queries for instance defects ,pricing ,promotions and methods of interacting with consumers should be reviewed most frequently.
Resources and constraints such as time available and facilities size human resource available should meet the consumer demands on ralistic time approach to business.
Business Structure:Introduction to the perenial or seasoned consumers should state the reasons for them being visited in your premise for real business and never entertain them out of the business intention. The products,business concepts,presentation and selling methods should always reflect business as usual to every worker within your business.Assumed knowledge of of the consumers should not be taken for granted inorder to not querreling with the very correct customer .Remember the consumer is always right and is the to give you business ,not disrupting it.
A business minded person is not making business a funny thing ,but being funny and get self motivated helps to make the business results amazing and wonderous!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The watchful characteristics of Entelopes and loving friendliness of the Zebras

Most of people especially tourists and travellers talk of the so called,'big five' -elephant,rhino,buffalo ,lion and leopard/cheetah. There are so many wonderful animals found mainly in game reserves like antelopes and zebras. In zimbabwe antelopes and zebra are found in almost every National park,game reserve or wildlife farms.
Most of the beautiful antelopes in Zimbabwe are found in thick grasslands as rams(males) favour less trees because of horns which can be distrubed by tree branches when moving or when running away from an enemy.'Impala' is a Ndebele name and the Chishona dialect called it 'Nhoro'.
The adult rams are plain reddish-brown coat and horns shaped like an old musical instrument called the lyre, but the horns can actually be 90 centimetres long(three feet).The female entelope is whitish-brown without horns. It is difficult to be attacked because of its speed and can not hindered by trees than the male counterpart when running away.
It is difficult to get close the entelopes as they are frightened when they see human beings. So those taking photos can use zooms . Rams like this ones are always on guard looking out for leopards,cheetah,crocodiles ,lions ,spotted hyenas and wild dogs.
The matured rams looked so tall and strong and alert as they guard.They can jump more than nine metres (30 feet) in a distance and two and half metres (8 feet) high. Entelope's meat is lean with less fat which is so much delicious found in most food outlets around Zimbabwe especially resorts areas and hotels.
Friendly zebras are affectionate animals which are good at loving and caring for each other. Coming close the zebras is so easy as they stand fairy still, such that taking photograph is simply good and they are plenty of them in Zimbabwe national parks and game reserves.These species are quite friendly and are sweet with each other!
Zebras in the family of donkeys or horses are black and whitish-browinish stripped. They liked to be together in herds such that attacking them is so difficulty.
Zebras are easily attacked by dangerous animals like lions and leopards when separated from the herds. However they are good at galloping especially when running for its life from enemies.
Zebra's meat is delicious and one of the soft and tastier. The meat can be available in areas where game's meat is offered and resort hotels. Animal lover describe this animals as the good teacher for moral values of caring and loving as you can develop sense of thinking for others when observing these friendly animals.As you memories this animal you found yourself thinking how good and beautiful characters exposed by zebras in awesome of its creation.

Investment opportunities in Zimbabwe

There are many investment opportunities in Zimbabwe despite the fear that Zimbabwe is debating the indegeneous policy.The foreigners who wish to investment is free to invest in the mining and manufacturing industries.
The best option of investing is to be in joint venture with the local investors.The first port of call is the Zimbabwe Investment Centre.The board regulates the investors and is the Government Agency for fair trade.
In manufacturing industries such as textiles ,cutley ,herbal cosmetics,power and cable manufacturing and other services.
In mining the investment opportunities are wide open .The mining sector has vast untapped potential and contributes significantly to Zimbabwe's economy in the form of mineral exports and employment creation.Mining accounts for 4%of Zimbabwe 's GDP ,about 4,5% of employment and is now set to be the major exports earner.
Major minerals are gold ,platinum ,asbestos,chrome ,iron,diamond,Platinum group of minerals .nickel ,copper coal bed methane and coal.The production of these mineral decline for the past recent years because of Zimbabwe's poor international relations.
The mining sector is projected to be the potential industry to revamp the Zimbabwe economy.There is overall recovery of the economy if the mining sector is fully utilised.
The eastern highlands contain tracts of evergreen mountains.The rainforests which although very small in relation to the rest of the country,contain more than 60% of woody species found in zimbabwe.Over 620 bird species have been identified in Zimbabwe .According to the birds expert Peter Ginn, more of these fascinating birds are found in these magnificent forests of the eastern highlands.
This small forest robin is widespread in the small patches of forests from Nyanga in the north stretching southwards along the border with Mozambique via Bvumba mountains ,Chimanimani to Chipinge in the far down south-east of Zimbabwe.
The birds are difficult to locate because of their small size and very thick evergreen forests.The sounds which is very melody when they have distinctively call partners will enable bird watchers to locate them during the bleeding season will respond to tape -recording of their call.
They are usually found in the areas of fair amount of undergrowth. within the forests as they are ground feeders and need the cover provided by this undergrowth.The movement of birds in the forests is restricted by the presence of thickets .The main food of birds is small insects and and small berries.
The timber industry is made possible in Zimbabwe because of forest plantations exotic and indigenous species.
The plantation or industrial forests of pine,eucalyptus and wattle are located along this rich eastern highlands strip.This form the basis for a large forestry-based industry,which contributes to the construction ,furniture ,packaging ,pulp and paper industries.The plantation owned by Government through the agent Forestry Commission and the private sector.
The eastern highlands is the coolest part of Zimbabwe and receives highest amount of rainfall.This makes it unique climate to the of whole country. The tourists who want to enjoy the beauty of nature and and feel serene as they admire the green parks which inspired serenity and relaxation. European pioneers to visit this place described it as, ''The little England''.
There are five star hotels in Nyanga Troutbeck,Bvumba ,Chimanimani and Chipinge.


Facebook,twitter,likedln and other social sites are reported becoming the way of contacting business and making more friends online than any traditional methods before the appearance of internet miracle. The advent of mobile devices makes calls,text massages,e-mails ,chat rooms and social networks convenient a gift in our lifetime than before.
Although some people regards it as, 'cold communication' which has detrimental effects to the way people were used to associate and blaming technology as a threat to people of being more insular.People according to traditionalists are felt lonely when spending a lot of time e-mailing ,chatting online or texting massages to some distant friends. Consequently their local friendship become extinct as they lost more time and make less effort to see neighbouring friends since habitually they are occupied much of their time facing the screen of a computer device connected online chatting, e-mailing or texting with other friends over the internet.
Researchers in their own right John T. Cacioppo and William Patrick stress on loneliness as being fuelled by internet and can increase social isolation and depression when replaces more tangible forms of human contact.
Does really internet cause loneliness and loss of friendships according to the way people interact? Does internet making people smarter or making them stupid? Although I can't let down the views of the critics on how the view working either online or offline. These are some of the topical questions sociologists ,religious people and interactionalists always worried about.
Eventhough some authorities agree with the way social media is taking people's lives by storm. Nicholas Carr says, too much time online is changing the way brain works. People are connected quickly with many people on the social sites and exchange massages that would help in solitary thought in our intellectual lives. This means the way people are get connected lead them to get into business and cross pollination of ideas to ease their social challenges.
People who spend atleast 8 hours online daily doing business and chatting with friends can eight follds improve the way they are doing business and getting more sales than those spending their time interacting with people and their customers offline. Online business dealer have positive differences when doing their businesses , friendships wordwide always when get connected online. Offline business dealers shall suffer progressivenes their horizons will become narrower and narrower until reptured into living extinction business wise.
Online business tend to be more concentrated on innovative tuned to fast social media interaction which is rapidly changing at a considerable speed living offline stereotype traditionalists swept by moments of confusion or business as usual fading culture of anti-globalisation.
Maryanne Wolf a professor of child development , who directs the center of reading and language research at Tufts University Medford was quoted saying, ''digital media engage attention quickly and engage again and again.'' People need to constantly moving to the piece of information for their sensation and decision making. Nora Volkow a brain reseacher and director of National institute of drug abuse has this to say,"The technology is rewinding our brains.''
The way internet is transforming our business and friendship for our economy and social interaction respectively is the thirst our brains never get quenched since then. Social media is becoming central to our lives and come to transform our loneliness each day through the way we think and feel when looking for more sources of income and socialisation in general.

Take responsibility for your own hobby as a business now!

Responsibility for our own life is not a jampled word to us all.It is a matter of conviction. Because some of the challenges which we experience today and we forecast in near future is what we need to do for our planet to make it habitable more comfortably.
That is the major cause we need to say to anyone hey! please wake up to the call and take the responsibility and ensure we have encouraged to have sense of our life's importance ,our safety ,our health and well-being on the part of each and everyone need to get occupied in some form of tasks which help us to maintain and use our resources efficiently.
The opportunities are numerous which we can do even using our travelling experiences.Unemployment worldover is still believed to be the unsolved problem. Now the advent of internet can help travellers in search of places they need to develop their careers in service industry like freelancers ,as well as writers ,bloggers , writing articles of travelling experiences to companies who now opt to publish them in their tourism and travel newsletters or journals.
The Business of copywriting is now part of every country to survive and sustain its own tourism and travel campaigns. Many different countries are exposing their people to write online as a measure to make to compaign for visitors in tourist hot spots. Research in writing proved that people has hungry for more information in any place on Earth.
Our social responsibility as citizens extends far beyond creating opportunity to help those travellers who may need more interests with our experiences.
It all began by seeing news in every new areas you visited and take action to write as a blogger whilst get paid for your skill. Internet is now an avenue of doing business or fully employed and get paid well to have a good living with a decent house and get access to all our travelling adventures.

Take responsibility for your own hobby as a business now!

Responsibility for our own life is not a jampled word to us all.It is a matter of conviction. Because some of the challenges which we experience today and we forecast in near future is what we need to do for our planet to make it habitable more comfortably.
That is the major cause we need to say to anyone hey! please wake up to the call and take the responsibility and ensure we have encouraged to have sense of our life's importance ,our safety ,our health and well-being on the part of each and everyone need to get occupied in some form of tasks which help us to maintain and use our resources efficiently.
The opportunities are numerous which we can do even using our travelling experiences.Unemployment worldover is still believed to be the unsolved problem. Now the advent of internet can help travellers in search of places they need to develop their careers in service industry like freelancers ,as well as writers ,bloggers , writing articles of travelling experiences to companies who now opt to publish them in their tourism and travel newsletters or journals.
The Business of copywriting is now part of every country to survive and sustain its own tourism and travel campaigns. Many different countries are exposing their people to write online as a measure to make to compaign for visitors in tourist hot spots. Research in writing proved that people has hungry for more information in any place on Earth.
Our social responsibility as citizens extends far beyond creating opportunity to help those travellers who may need more interests with our experiences.
It all began by seeing news in every new areas you visited and take action to write as a blogger whilst get paid for your skill. Internet is now an avenue of doing business or fully employed and get paid well to have a good living with a decent house and get access to all our travelling adventures.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Make it your effort to be a different blogger who feeds the unique content to drive trafic at your blogsite/website

Most webmasters and bloggers need to report extensively in their sites to get visitors and drive more traffic as far as advertising,affiliates and publishing online news and content is concerned.
Bloggers with extensive backgrounds in newspapers and other online publication powerhouses consider competition to be tense when reporting especially with worldwide papers as is the primary source of original news. The New York times,Google and Yahoo news ,BBC etc are the major sources of news. They cover the world ,but be also another set of eyes and ears to be you as a prominent blogger.
It is now a competitive advantage probably clearer than it's ever been because many newspapers ,even really large online publications ,have pulled out coverage of international news.They have closed down their foreign bureaus and pulled back domestically. And as a blogger who is committed to do this kind of coverage for driving traffic on your site ,so you can see the role as in some sense being even more unique valuable right now.
Keep your readership up with so many sensational things competing for quick and easy news.Tremendous boom in readership on the website is obviously very high, news interests people right now,both because of the political and civilisation race and because of economical and global crisis.One of the things that can served you very well is that your website should bring perspective and context and clarity to these stories and make them available to readers almost instantly. When things are happening most people want to know about and are looking for. Especially at a time when there are things that seriously concern them(people).They are not only looking to be entertained ,but also need to be sensetised because this matters them most as it's very clear to them that it matters really. So what do you do? Try to think and find out through what are real questions that the readers may have, and how can you get at them and bring some constructive clarity to these issues.
Oftenly you may get unkind comments attacks on your blogs from specific people challenging your publications from your site. Remember the great feature of the website is that it enables to have a two way conversation. As a blogger you can write stories and originating blogs,but also you want people who read these stories ,to be able to interact with you as well as a club subscribed through your site ,to talk with you and to talk to one another.Thus how they can return to your site time and again ,giving them updates ,for that matter advertisers can squeeze for space in your site for their products.
You can't edit comments ,but you either allow or disallow them.And you only try to err on the side of more conversation than less because you mission is about conversation which most people like. However its not so easy because every news organisation is wrestling with this.
In addition probably you may respond to terms of service violation. When you get comments that you think are inappropriate ,please you can report that through the terms of service button on your site and you will look at that and take it down ,if it seems as though you should.
Because your site is there to drive traffic ,its for the people and more people. When reporting be very careful about poisoning the well by taking robust positions taking sides on your issues. Be it religious or political by becoming an extremist or radical stances sidelining other organisations. I think it is necessary to shed light where it can and with clarity and compassion in all the issues you are publishing on your site. I don't absolutely rule reporting to be very neutral.But they should take you somewhere.
At all costs avoid stand in the sense of taking an ideological position excludes the values or points of view of a huge part of your readers and is counterproductive. This might make your visitors feel better about your issues and trying to help shed light on some issues.
For the future of your website like these news organisations going through a strategic rethinking of what its business model is. Have strong emphasis on your issues, bookmark it on social sites ,make updates through email and within the online world ,too there is even video.So this is a kind of broadcasting. Podcasting is the same thing like a new version of radio online. That's the multi-platform way your site has to be there. One of the reasons it has to be there is that internet makes it relatively cost -efficient to deliver the news ,and it also makes it more relevant time -wise to drive more audience. Also have forums for discussing issues and you would get a great support. Spending more time on your site continue to let people get fresh stuff of what they want to think about it .Because it's the reader and the subscriber whom your site is directed towards and really you need to know what they want.

How to write good aim and doing business

Look up the definition of the subject of writing isolate the essential factors which gives the writing articles its special factors and relevance.
Keep your statement of aim short .Check and double check the wording of the aim for accuracy and clarity to be sure it is not ambigous.The aim should embrace the philosophy of the business so keep terms general .The aim is usually worded to state what one hopes to achieve in the people.Phrase the aim so that it cooperates the development of the particular view of the subject.
Content is derived from the theme and selection is determined by:General aims for example work and leisure,self reliance,cognitive needs of people for example job,doing business,writing articles etc. Remember people are hungry of different things in life ,some worried of little cash to get going with basics of life ,some need advice to get away with stressful things in life also some may need products that help them to go on with life. Aim for doing business according to the needs of the people you target.
Previous knowledge of people a basic tool to really buid a knowledge of doing business for the people aafter a careful review of their needs.Only such knowledge which is relevant to new knowledge to be written.Activities: writing,practical work ,dramatic scripts ,playing games.
What is a business Plan?It is an instructional session designed and administered by a business person with intention of attaining a business objectives through guided business activites involving a variety of business techniques.
consideration of business planning
The skill standard of employees,business matter for instance capital ,skills and methods of marketing.Resources and constraints such as time available and facilities size of the business.
Business Structure should stating the objective of the business and the core mission,main business concept,presentation and conducting methods and employee's activities.Assumed knowledge of of the workers.
The business must provide products through application of what have been planned

Does your dreams to own your business shuttered by scammers?

(*Accumulated scammers who promise six figure income from doing nothing whilst asleep)
Vigilance against scammers should form the basis of your quality home business programme.Let us be your lifelong partner in business.We have a clean record when it comes to the quality supply of approved legitimate home business programmes.The world economy with its high costs of living, recession or increase unemployment because of big companies retrenching is particular instability for your life and family's way of life.Added to this are often fluctuation in accomodation rates,food prices hike and other living expenses like water electricity or school fees which place our single little earned income short of meeting our needs.
Freelance legitimate sites are acutely aware of this and has drawn on several years of experience in this world to improve the aspects of your personal wealth.This has resulted in these sites often having specification standards in excess of those require to have their dreams fulfilled.You can trust that freelance opportunities has prepared for an excellent foundation with which to face future.
Your own talent is the way you make you get employed needs get really rich .Remember creating many sources of income is long-term cost saver to enjoy yourself.


Simply put your dream in to reality ,you should atleast have a strong motivation to do so.How can you strengthen your motivation ?For one thing consider how much your life is going to change for better ,if you make for yourself streams of income and able to make all developments you need most in life.
You will make unlimited income:Having many sources of income is the only root to be rich in your life time whilst you are capable to accumulate wealth for yourself and your grandchildren as you left them a business empire.
You will get more joy out of life:A poor man is the most miserable person on Earth.Poverty is the most ugliest thing which never favoured by anyone. King Solomon once says,poverty dispersed all friends,but riches you have many people around you.If you want to be enjoyed have your own money and other assets.You will never get worried of life anymore.
Your life may improve:If you manage to have your own home,your own vehicle,flexible working time,make travels internationally than before isn't it changes in life you need most. Above all you will be your own boss and earn unlimited cash from your deals.
You will boost your self-confidence:When you have your own wealth you feel confident with yourself.You never fear of being labelled or being isolated.You plan your things and share life with many people you encounter in life without feel neglected and shame at the same time.
Your family and friends will benefits:When you have the capability of making a lot of money you then make a lot of investments.Family members will to do business as employment created for them.You also encourage friends to improve themselves by following your footsteps.
You will do a great thing to your nation :A genuine business person who has established a vibrant business can pay taxes to the government and local authorities. You also ploughback to the community as you can sponsor sports,give to charity or make environmental awareness campaigns to help the local people to conserve their resources.
Seek out network:When you have the support of others,your greater chance of success is wide open.So if you want to conquer business skills ,you may be wiser to look for a reliable network for help so that you get genuinely supportive advices. The social sites like facebook ,twitter,likendin ,just landed and many more are the suitable areas you can join groups of your interests to have relable networking.
Consider seeking a reliable sponsor who is helpful .The support of a sponsor is invaluable and can help you to make your business successful.
Another important thing is to believe in yourself and get prepared to start your long journey to your success,not tomorrow or next year ,but today!
Doing business online is now legitimate and almost simpler ,starting as typist, writing articles or blogs ,participating in forums ,share information and fun. Online business favours a fun internetter as the results will be amazing after a concerted effort exerted on the specific purpose of action.


Simply put your dream in to reality ,you should atleast have a strong motivation to do so.How can you strengthen your motivation ?For one thing consider how much your life is going to change for better ,if you make for yourself streams of income and able to make all developments you need most in life.
You will make unlimited income:Having many sources of income is the only root to be rich in your life time whilst you are capable to accumulate wealth for yourself and your grandchildren as you left them a business empire.
You will get more joy out of life:A poor man is the most miserable person on Earth.Poverty is the most ugliest thing which never favoured by anyone. King Solomon once says,poverty dispersed all friends,but riches you have many people around you.If you want to be enjoyed have your own money and other assets.You will never get worried of life anymore.
Your life may improve:If you manage to have your own home,your own vehicle,flexible working time,make travels internationally than before isn't it changes in life you need most. Above all you will be your own boss and earn unlimited cash from your deals.
You will boost your self-confidence:When you have your own wealth you feel confident with yourself.You never fear of being labelled or being isolated.You plan your things and share life with many people you encounter in life without feel neglected and shame at the same time.
Your family and friends will benefits:When you have the capability of making a lot of money you then make a lot of investments.Family members will to do business as employment created for them.You also encourage friends to improve themselves by following your footsteps.
You will do a great thing to your nation :A genuine business person who has established a vibrant business can pay taxes to the government and local authorities. You also ploughback to the community as you can sponsor sports,give to charity or make environmental awareness campaigns to help the local people to conserve their resources.
Seek out network:When you have the support of others,your greater chance of success is wide open.So if you want to conquer business skills ,you may be wiser to look for a reliable network for help so that you get genuinely supportive advices. The social sites like facebook ,twitter,likendin ,just landed and many more are the suitable areas you can join groups of your interests to have relable networking.
Consider seeking a reliable sponsor who is helpful .The support of a sponsor is invaluable and can help you to make your business successful.
Another important thing is to believe in yourself and get prepared to start your long journey to your success,not tomorrow or next year ,but today!
Doing business online is now legitimate and almost simpler ,starting as typist, writing articles or blogs ,participating in forums ,share information and fun. Online business favours a fun internetter as the results will be amazing after a concerted effort exerted on the specific purpose of action.

Freelancing business needs someone with capabilities to share and help other as team

I still can't believe it!I have no specific business experience , no degree or specialist training.The thing is that I grown up in poor African rural backgrounds, and I have a trust in getting money through working online as a freelancer despite making some mistakes in my first three years.This business is just too good to be true.I simply not able to handle all my business and the new business just keeps rolling in! I need to share my success with other people who need to be relieved in their current situation.This opportunity is so open such that I need to share with you.I know I will receive a huge response for this blog and possibly I will not able to help all you in time ,but I will try to give a response to anyone as soon as possible. It is my moral obligation help others to achieve their dream if it doesn't affect me in any what so ever way?
For the past 4 years with no my own computer ,very little money, no business contacts and no special education. I was introduced to FREELANCING PROGRAMMES it was burning in my heart to supplement my income on part- time basis .I used to work in a supermarket in Harare and then went to be trained as a TEACHER ,but this just didn't pay me to meet my ambitions. So I thought of finding something which shall pay me to have a decent living which I dreamt should expand my horison in my ambition to be a business acquinted person. When I started to search for these opportunities through universe search engine for a possible solution . I just trapped in scammers who at the end promise me nothing. I was really looking for an honest ,ethical and realistic opportunity to make me some extra cash.
I had know sales experience through the internet, but I knew I could work with other people online legitimately. But my moral obligation is not to bribe people or trap them to unreal work. I didn't want to rely on my FAMILY members to support my business. I wanted a real business with real customers who I didn't even know but would call me to enquire and work together. I also need to have my home office to save money and time.
When I started to roll it on with freelancing through step by step , so many people calling me and building my reliable network as my business growing.
Let me make it clear this way : my services are so in demand that i placed my adverts in my blogs, twitter and other sites in few days I got calls from diferent people worldwide.
I realised that freelancing business is so abandant that I decided to share with others.

Self employment gives you allowance to fully nurture your love children and explore many sources of income!

If you need to show a true affection and love to your family. Have the desire to explore the world. Or inspired to do extraordinary for your visionary enrichment and above all need do to an ordinary work perfectly be a freelancer.
The first the word used to jumped to my mind when I was thinking of my future and freelancing business is my family.I need my children to attain better education by giving them good education at the better schools and also living a comfortable life until they are adults with abilities to do their own business alone.
Some time ago when I researched about doing home business I always accidentally fall to the scammers who promised me six figure income after I paid an upfront subscription fee. But not wish to get into such daylight robbery on the cyber tricks I stood out to the importance of loving my family and doing business at the comfort of my home.
Simple as that! Since then ,I have really endeavored to really appreciate the qualities of doing business as a freelancer whilst grooming my children as a father at my own home environment. That means that I need to be active and not taking this desire for granted ,or just say I am a loving father to my children. I didn't want to show a lukewarm love without supply of the needs they want to live and even appreciating what they really are.
As a result of this recognition ,I have a vision of seeking a legitimate business which shall rest me assured to be in active love and togetherness with my family. To me getting employed to a fixed income job and not free to reach my desired point in life was not an option whatsoever. That's why I was seeking my own good in another's good.
Here is where freelancing comes into the picture for me, including the importance of my family in life. I subscribed to the concept of making a step that can let me make million steps and enjoy my freedom of being my own boss in life. I have to admit the concept of taking the gains of internet to turn my home into a lucrative office which shall generate the much needed income to show my undivided love to my kids. I will never forget what my grandfather used to say to me. "You should learn to work for yourself and not just blinkered to look for employment anywhere else and given peanuts(little salary) after a month long of hard work.I am against the idea of believe in someone to create employment for you." My grandfather was a farmer in African purchased areas in Zimbabwe . He was really a great farmer who survived by tilling and rearing domestic animals. My vision then is for me to find many sources of income and not rely on one or two sectors for example agriculture . I need to make so many ways of getting income and freelancing to me is one of the new avenues which make my dreams come true.
As I came to know legitimate sites which are good ground to post projects as a buyer or be a bidder seeking the project which you can able to do without being demanded upfront payments ,but only to have the account with paypal or moneybookers and do a legitimate business.
I found out that freelance work can be done anywhere as a legitimate business which can be part time or full time at home. And it can expresses the unity with many freelancers out there if you joined the forums and discussions with many people who are doing it for becoming really rich.
Keeping this in mind has also helped me to get many friends now I am also prepared to assist as many friends to be do freelancing as part time or on full time basis who can do what they interested in or what they specialised so that they can get paid without being exploited to be servants of this modern world.
Freelancing work is a good platform ,the basis from which you can actively show love to your family ,friends and use your ideas to get money and help the world to rise each day a little more.

Bringing Business Order into your life as freelancer

Around the time of my teacher's college education, I subscribed my mobile to the 3G data systems inorder to make access to the services of internet to browse freelancing opportunities seemed an overwhelming business which can be done online. I was much interested in doing business over the net whilst at home and get paid a sustantial income to help my family to pay bills and other utilities. I felt trapped in a pattern of scams ,who need to trick people's little money pretending as if they are promising business to become really rich over night whilst asleep.
After trying for a long period of time to look for some legitimate jobs or business I can do at home without paying any penny. I found out that there are legitimate sites like GAF freelancer,scriptlance ,lance,freelance EUfreelancer and many more which can offer you freelancing work without being scammed by anyone.
In these sites you can post your projects seeking freelancers who can help you to carry on your project. The sites are purely marketplace which monitors and help you to get your job done and the freelancers get paid after the job completed and after being satisfied with good job well done.
Most freelencers get paid through paypal or moneybookers through the freelancing sites.This is a good news for those potential freelancers in most of the African states and other where paypal money receiving services is not supported. In this way both project designers(buyers) and project bidders(freelancers) are honestly doing the legitimate job that satisfy both parties without any elements of doggy and tricked as they are strictly monitored by site adminstrators.
Although I found this very interesting ,and even enlightening to those want to earn reasonably by working as freelancers or want to see their projects done fairly without fear of anything. I found out that both of these people need to really understand the freelancing way of doing businesss guided by job's guide posted online especially for those who want to gain out of it. Freelancing seem to be an easy job ,so many believed it or informed to believe so. There are so many people who are competiting for the same skills you wish to work as a freelancer,so bidding is a serious competive game which at the end left only the highest bidder who is either earned many stars or someone in desperate of cash offer lowest price to win the offer.
It is neccessary to draw near to what the online jobs guide recommends,what other experienced freelancer say and communicate with the owner of the project on what is expected so as to influence yourself to get the project. Remember all this is done online without giving your phone numbers or other contact details.If you give buyers contact details your chances of being terminated your account at freelancing site is a matter of less few hours ,so never attempt that what so ever the case may be.
When you offered the project for the first time you must work hard to complete it so that you can gain stars or remain with the same buyer who give you the project,probably you will be parmanently employed for more projects to be done by the same project designer. The trick of continue getting more projects to work as freelancer only based on your hard working and perfect way of complete it with a reasonable space of time with urgency. This may help to be both seasoned freelancer and gain more stars ,this means higher payout at the same time.
The key is to follow the job's guides which a freelancer to get the right truth of being a successful person who develop sense of confidence to nurture such an independent lucrative career. It teaches you on tricks which you can employ to win projects and to do the projects offered successfully.Knowing ,for example this characters of being successful as a business person ,doesn't include cheating others ,but working for them and always happy of what you have done for them so that they can even give you bonus for the job well done. Good performing of the projects given is not only aimed at gaining more stars only ,but it is the fastest way to market on your area of expertise and help yourself to perfect your skills,personality ,responsibility and get honoured for your dedication to duty. Self supervisory work is health in the sense that you do it whole heartedly pushed by your intrinsic motivation to be a successful business person not worried of time and other nonsense activities. I think by now you can see how valuable you can be when doing business legitimately without involving the discord of cheating as a cheap way to get money from desperate people and the same time you developed moral sense of working for the family and national development..


Aside from learning about freelancing for instance that for refering people or selling products as an affiliate. I have to assist people now and again.I personally favour the socratic method of teaching.As the name suggests that wise old Greek socrates, created the system.These socrates never lectured. Instead they taught by asking questions as actively engage the learners in active learning with the intention of keeping the students awake and perhaps even making them think.Socrates pointed out the thought that writing itself would harm a person 's ability to internalise learning, the printed word acting as a substitute for true understanding. Bill Gates(2007/2/10)in sentinel says "learning is mostly about creating a context for motivation.It's about creating why you should learn things."
The probing questions help to assess the assumed knowledge to be revealed for the edification of people in those areas of online business other than affiliates or freelancing alone.People in affiliates or freelancing already fully aware of the system and use it all the time.Many even use it to teach their referals the strategies.
A short time ago I was discussing with one of our brighter young lady in freelancing.She quickly realised when she needed to know something it was quicker to ask than to dig through the files.Her constant interruptions had to stop.And so the next time she come into my home office, I socraticed her.
"What would you do if I wasn't here?"I questioned.She replied that she had to call me on my mobile."But what would you do if I was run over by a bus?" Game ,set and match I thought.Her reply was quick and in a voice full of concern she said , "Sir I would take you to the clinic."So much for the socrates.


It is imperative to choose the right agent when you decided to market your products ,especially in today's market which is characterised by more sellers than buyers.Choosing the right agent is always not a simple task .While there is often no shortage of would-be business partners ,finding the appropriate representation can be a major headache.
Many companies concurred that the markets these days has very few buyers but many products and services for sale.We are experiencing a perennial buyer's market.
However ,others may say it correctly that you have to be prepared to engage and interact with customers in real and very different way .
Notwithstanding the prevailing market conditions , a correctly priced products will always sell.
But obviously there is need of good agent to help you to facilitate a quick and painless interacting with customers within reasonable and best time.The customers are now starting to reject brands that do not talk to them.
The best time is the amount equal to or more than what you prepared to make sales for your products within the world markets and the time factor that is period of time.
The agent's job is to manage the whole process on behalf of the producer or principal - from conducting viewing ,interacting with customers to make sales.
Agent should have the knowledge of market and should be a professional in all matters pertaining to marketing options be it conventional ,online and making good analysis and evaluations.
First and most important of all ,be sure that the agent you are going to engage has the capacity to make sales of your products.
I recommend that you deal with reputable agents.What do I mean here?Well an agent who have already or are proving that they can do it .
The agent who can be respected for the service ,faithfulness,honesty,quality,ability ,professionalism ,hard work ,sacrifices and sometimes offer free services.
Reputation here has nothing to do with size of company or one's race.
Reputation is earned and any person can choose to be rich or to be a religous person as an example ,either a christian , islam or hindu society regards you as honesty or faithful.
Be a religious person doesn't mean that you are subscribed to the values of religious principles.But you can be reputable by honouring these religious principles.
The agent can only choose to be reputable through own hard work,learning new things ,honesty ,persistence ,diligence ,innovations ,quality,professionalism seriousness and so forth.
Can anyone really gain reputation when they use funds?Or if pose as purchaser before other agents in order to get mandates from principals? Or misleading owners by suggesting to them high sales that are unachievable ?Or inability to provide professional assistance to the customers?
Instruct the agent who has more knowledge about your products,markets particulary his neighbourhood or location as well as good network.An agent must be well known in the business community and well respected.An agent must be self-motivated and capable of working on his own initiative.
Choose the agent who has the capacity and ability to market your products within a reasonable time.Ensure that the agent understands international trade procedures.Does your agent have the capacity to market your products using different advertising channels?Sometimes may need to to ask exactly how the agent will market your products. This very important because there are many competitors competing for a very narrow niche market.However ,a stunning ,contemporary and magnificent products with all the characteristics of a good features and benefits will fear no competition at all.Also ,in this fast advancing technological communication development of internet.The agent should be access to the internet and have wide knowledge advertising sites and how to use them effectively.
The agent must be trustworthy .Remember agents hold much trust of principal ,so the agent must be loyal to principal and confidently do day to day activities to make good sales.Avoid choosing an agent that has too many competing lines, otherwise it may well result insufficient attention being given to your products.
Referrals are very important ,do not ignore them ,we have good competitors,friends,forums and reliable people in our life who have experience with some agents ,their recommendations are very important.Take up references on agent and visit him in his own country to ascertain how he operates,he must continually serviced by the principal with regular visits to ensure that he is doing the job well.
Get as much advice as possible by go for many sources of advice as possible and tap any local market information including national commercial officers at overseas missions ,local chamber of commerce and any trade bodies.An agent must be someone with good commercial acumen rather than the one who is connected politically.The agent should be in a capacity to grow your business as he grows his own.That is someone who is hungry and need to grow to succeed.

Being dedicated to Make Legitimate Online Home business Fruitful.

The advent of online jobs or businesses in the 21st century attracts the interests of many people,companies ,non profit organisations and even governments to use the cyber technology to make their products and services reach as many consumers as possible. As a result for their missions to be achieved and their intended goals to be reached .The hiring of more talented people is of paramount for their business online to do activities such as copywriting,article writing ,affiliates ,advertising ,designing and so many opportunities flighted in numerous freelance websites to outsource people who can do business with them.
Therefore it is an open great opportunity for those with PC, connected to the internet and a telephone to engaged yourself whilst at home on part time or full time basis to earn some cash which may help in payment of other bills or be a ladder to a huge economical wealth.
The home jobs are more convenient as you never get worried of traffic jams, commuting expenses ,the monotonous conventional office places and easily turn your home into a lucrative office for the development of your home.This way you can manage to have ample time with your family,work at your own pace ,make flexible travels and can be your own boss for free.
"Too often we take good health and shelter over our heads for granted.However there are times when we are knocked backdown to Earth and made of those that don't possess our good fortunes."( world has its own challenges which has detrimental effects to our own survival. As a result the man has to exert his own labour upon every foreseeable opportunity to turn the hardy situations into harmony with the interests of living.
At this juncture and a bit review of your living experience ,you now agree to have you own business.A business is simply anything you can do in a short space of time or long term to counter the challenges of life such as hunger,harsh weather conditions,poverty which you can utilise opportunities to every challenges you may face.No one can make time but can make use of every second which come by to make it helpful by providing yourself with cash and support your life and your family at large.
Working online as a freelancer is not limited to one side of interests you can be a writer,data entry or just a designer as they are many buyers out there need your services.
Being dedicated and confidence working for your own initiative is not reserved for the business.But it is also good to portray this aspects in everything you put in your mind.
When concentrating on your home business online perfect it to be a source of good living to be well sure of better living and if you join forums,social media you never do it alone ,there are so many people out there who can offer you priceless advice.
After the buyers offer you project for the first time ,create a strategy to continue win projects ,this means you have to work hard and present yourself to the projects with a humour.Not only stylish characters which make them (Buyers) want to give you more work to do.

Being dedicated to Make Legitimate Online Home business Fruitful.

The advent of online jobs or businesses in the 21st century attracts the interests of many people,companies ,non profit organisations and even governments to use the cyber technology to make their products and services reach as many consumers as possible. As a result for their missions to be achieved and their intended goals to be reached .The hiring of more talented people is of paramount for their business online to do activities such as copywriting,article writing ,affiliates ,advertising ,designing and so many opportunities flighted in numerous freelance websites to outsource people who can do business with them.
Therefore it is an open great opportunity for those with PC, connected to the internet and a telephone to engaged yourself whilst at home on part time or full time basis to earn some cash which may help in payment of other bills or be a ladder to a huge economical wealth.
The home jobs are more convenient as you never get worried of traffic jams, commuting expenses ,the monotonous conventional office places and easily turn your home into a lucrative office for the development of your home.This way you can manage to have ample time with your family,work at your own pace ,make flexible travels and can be your own boss for free.
"Too often we take good health and shelter over our heads for granted.However there are times when we are knocked backdown to Earth and made of those that don't possess our good fortunes."( world has its own challenges which has detrimental effects to our own survival. As a result the man has to exert his own labour upon every foreseeable opportunity to turn the hardy situations into harmony with the interests of living.
At this juncture and a bit review of your living experience ,you now agree to have you own business.A business is simply anything you can do in a short space of time or long term to counter the challenges of life such as hunger,harsh weather conditions,poverty which you can utilise opportunities to every challenges you may face.No one can make time but can make use of every second which come by to make it helpful by providing yourself with cash and support your life and your family at large.
Working online as a freelancer is not limited to one side of interests you can be a writer,data entry or just a designer as they are many buyers out there need your services.
Being dedicated and confidence working for your own initiative is not reserved for the business.But it is also good to portray this aspects in everything you put in your mind.
When concentrating on your home business online perfect it to be a source of good living to be well sure of better living and if you join forums,social media you never do it alone ,there are so many people out there who can offer you priceless advice.
After the buyers offer you project for the first time ,create a strategy to continue win projects ,this means you have to work hard and present yourself to the projects with a humour.Not only stylish characters which make them (Buyers) want to give you more work to do.

colour science beliefs and major colours

In 1866 sir Isaac Newton passed a beam of white light through a prism of translucent glass.The beam of light broke up in seven colours
From this experiment ,it was discovered that colours are components of light.Colours are a function of light and without light there is no colours.Havens(1998:17)defines colour as,"an element that comes from reflect light."Light from sun is actually a combination of all colours.The colours through the prism are red ,orange,yellow,green,blue,indigo and violet are called the colour spectrum.These are the colours of the rainbow.
What we perceive as colour are reflected light.In perceiving colour the physiological activities of the eye and science of electromagnetic wavelength as that work.
Therefore scientific discovery concludes that colour is formed with the strike of light or the form of matter that is reflected by light.Colour is an an Art element and is important in craft and design.Inorder to see colour the following must be present light,surface/object and the eye.
Furthermore the effects of colour found to affects moods.Researchers say different colours influence raspiratory rates,blood pressure,pulse and even anger and happiness.
Colours can be used to show the seasons ,time of the day or different conditions of weather.
Besides the scientific facts the colour as its strong meaning in various cultural beliefs.For instance in shona culture black associated with ancestral spirits and beauty, whilst white is associated with angels and holiness in christian beliefs.
Colours are arranged in a circle and 12 unique colours discovered and identified to be on the circle which is known as colour wheel.There are in three groups which are primary,secondary and tertiary colours .
Primary colours cannot be made by any mixture and these are Red,Yellow and Blue.These can be called first colours when using paints and can be mixed to make other different colours.There is no any other colour you can mix to create them.They are original colours.
On the colour wheel they are never placed together.They have some space distance.
Secondary colours are made by combining two primary colours for example :
Yellow † blue make green.
Red†Blue make Purple
Yellow †Red make Orange

Tertiary colours are products of a primary colour and an adjustment secondary colour for instance Yellow†green produce yellow green.
Red†orange produce red orange
The colour wheel is the foundation or backborne of theory of colour.It include all clour groups primary ,secondary and tertiary in a specific order.A colour wheel is a colour spectrum bent into a circle and is a guide to mixing the primary ,secondary and intermediate colours.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Shapern your business skills learn to work for yourself using the home business advantages!

Do you know what your business goals are?Do you know that each time you try to understand how companies and successful individuals running their successful enterprises is a step towards making your business goals and dreams come true?Doing business is the key to become rich or to get a decent living earning substantial income,here business tips will sharpen your skills and make your business plans more effective.
Mental preparation:
•Identify your own specific business goals regarding your strength and weakness.Why you need to run a business,what are you aiming for and how are you going to get it?
•Believe in yourself -repeat I CAN DO IT! ,as others who succeed before you because of their brave and unshackeable zeal.
•Be positive -think and work for success not failure.Planning has its end in itself. Now take the bold move to make the first step.Be enthusiastic about your working goals even if you do fail -get up and start again.
•Don't believe in quick rich everything starts with a single step and grow gradually.
•Be motivated -put your dreams into action ,NOW.
Build or join a reliable business network:
Be an active member in a network and make contributions that make you get whatever help you need.Listen-give undivided attention .Ask if you don't understand or have your queries heard and feel satisfied that you had got much help you need most.
Prepare yourself for your business seriously whether as part-time or full-time.Learn to do scheduled work according to your programmes and be stick to all your commitments.Certain enterprises need daily practice.Remember ,practice makes things perfect.
Working at home:Most of the conventional businesses these days are successfully run at home ,because of various challenges experienced in industries and designated business districts.
Make your home both an office and a residential place.Then learn to divide your time carefully so that you give your business enough time to develop.Before set and design your home office have your clear decision and identify some of the challenges you may face.Above all comply with all local government regulations and never play a hide and seek game with local authorities.
Miracles never expected to a person who just make plans and fold hands ,to see things done whilst looking.In real world of our life miracles favours a prepared mind .Always be on the guide make strategic actions on whatever you dreams and begin to take actions .Remember that opportunities knocks everyday on your door ,but most of the times you don't recognise them until they find elsewhere to camp.
Many people are unable to establish their full-time business at home because of poor time management and being hooked by pleasure and friends.For many of them to be successful distance learning and eventual situated learning ,where they get practical apprentice has been the best answer.
Advantages of Distance learning:
•You can learn at your own pace and apply the learned facts into practice and evaluate what suits you best ,without worrying what to do next.Rather than waste a lot of time doing theorised training at a conventional institution.
•You learn how to take responsibility for your own learning and develop business skills and critical strategic planning.
Advantages of situated learning:
•Situated learning through the internet is increasingly accessible to many people and many societies as a tool to train potential enterprenuers.
•You get technological on-the-business training and re-training that will equip you to keep up with the latest innovations in business and hot markets.

Shapern your business skills learn to work for yourself using the home business advantages!

Do you know what your business goals are?Do you know that each time you try to understand how companies and successful individuals running their successful enterprises is a step towards making your business goals and dreams come true?Doing business is the key to become rich or to get a decent living earning substantial income,here business tips will sharpen your skills and make your business plans more effective.
Mental preparation:
•Identify your own specific business goals regarding your strength and weakness.Why you need to run a business,what are you aiming for and how are you going to get it?
•Believe in yourself -repeat I CAN DO IT! ,as others who succeed before you because of their brave and unshackeable zeal.
•Be positive -think and work for success not failure.Planning has its end in itself. Now take the bold move to make the first step.Be enthusiastic about your working goals even if you do fail -get up and start again.
•Don't believe in quick rich everything starts with a single step and grow gradually.
•Be motivated -put your dreams into action ,NOW.
Build or join a reliable business network:
Be an active member in a network and make contributions that make you get whatever help you need.Listen-give undivided attention .Ask if you don't understand or have your queries heard and feel satisfied that you had got much help you need most.
Prepare yourself for your business seriously whether as part-time or full-time.Learn to do scheduled work according to your programmes and be stick to all your commitments.Certain enterprises need daily practice.Remember ,practice makes things perfect.
Working at home:Most of the conventional businesses these days are successfully run at home ,because of various challenges experienced in industries and designated business districts.
Make your home both an office and a residential place.Then learn to divide your time carefully so that you give your business enough time to develop.Before set and design your home office have your clear decision and identify some of the challenges you may face.Above all comply with all local government regulations and never play a hide and seek game with local authorities.
Miracles never expected to a person who just make plans and fold hands ,to see things done whilst looking.In real world of our life miracles favours a prepared mind .Always be on the guide make strategic actions on whatever you dreams and begin to take actions .Remember that opportunities knocks everyday on your door ,but most of the times you don't recognise them until they find elsewhere to camp.
Many people are unable to establish their full-time business at home because of poor time management and being hooked by pleasure and friends.For many of them to be successful distance learning and eventual situated learning ,where they get practical apprentice has been the best answer.
Advantages of Distance learning:
•You can learn at your own pace and apply the learned facts into practice and evaluate what suits you best ,without worrying what to do next.Rather than waste a lot of time doing theorised training at a conventional institution.
•You learn how to take responsibility for your own learning and develop business skills and critical strategic planning.
Advantages of situated learning:
•Situated learning through the internet is increasingly accessible to many people and many societies as a tool to train potential enterprenuers.
•You get technological on-the-business training and re-training that will equip you to keep up with the latest innovations in business and hot markets.


Tourists make Victoria falls and the Great Zimbabwe their destination of choice

Zimbabwe is a tourist friendly country and has also attractions which worth tourists to spend their leisure and there are numerous tourist attractions which are too many to mention.The major ones are the Victoria Falls,Great Zimbabwe among others .
Victoria Falls or Mosi oa' Tunya as it is known by the local people which means"the smoke that thunders" is Zimbabwe's prime tourist attraction and one of the seven natural wonders of the world.
Victoria Falls situated at the horn of Zimbabwe at the border with Zambia in the mighty Zambezi river ,which regarded as the most unpolluted river in the world.Statistics about the falls are that during the peak of Zambezi river in April/May about 545 million litres of water cascading every minute .Thanks to the great person who worked that out!
Because of the increase of tourists who were congesting to see this site after the odeal of the first European explorer David Livingstone who described it as the wonders which worth the name of the Great British Queen Victoria.The Zimbabwe government worked out to upgrade both the town and the growth of accommodation which ranges from budget campsites and lodges to luxurious hotels and safari camps.Restaurants in the hotels and town offer a comprehensive selection of cuisine to suit whatever international taste.
Since the important guest the Edwardian visitor who couldn't manage to walk to the Falls prefering instead to be hoisted up and down on a trolley,today's explorer/visitor/ adventurer can participate in some of the world's most thrilling activities and experiences!
On the river the visitors can have activities such as white-water run!Frontiers,shearwater safari par Exellence and flies over the river ,rafting ,sobek ,are visitors to see.
Canoe trips are great way to see animals and birds at more leisurely pace.Others can watch the bunji-jumping from the bridge for darling /fool-hardy, which many visitors described as the best from world's highest leap.
Cycling is a wonderful way to see Victoria Falls and surroundings .Visitors can hire a horse or a guide for a walking tour.Helicopter and light aircraft trips are a must for those dazzling viewing the river and Falls.
Watch out for world animals when cycling and walking.Game viewing ,microlight flights and sky diving are very interesting activities which are memorable events in your lifetime.
Other activities include ,fishing golf and traditional dancing which performed nightly at various locations.
Whilst prepared to visit this great site it is advisable to take anti-malaria tablets and use insect repellent.You should wear hat and use sunsreens when on the river.Those who want to swim should be ask for proper guidance as to avoid crocodiles and hippotamus abound. Emergency services is waiting you whenever there is problems or accidents during all these activities.
THE GREAT ZIMBABWE:In Zimbabwe there are lot of ruins stone buildings called "dzimbabwe" which means house of stones.The largest and most important is the Great Zimbabwe.Zimbabwe's name originates from this magnificent stone building which is in Masvingo province,27kilometres south-east Masvingo town.
Around the 12th to 14th century Great Zimbabwe was the city of the Bantu people who spoke the dialect known as Chishona or Chivanhu.The population in the city was approximately 10 000 people. Now the ruins are vacated.
The building was built by the local people using the shaped granite rocks without mortar.The stone pieces were carefully fitted such that they can balance the building.Some of the walls are eleven metres high and others are five metres thick.The king and his wives lived in the building.On the rocky hill builders use stone walls to join large rocks together ,to build several enclosures.Passages and doorways join the enclosures together.
The people lived on the site for over 300 years as it was wealthy and very powerful.The king who lived at the ruins ruled very large part of Southern Africa which include some parts of Bostwana and Mozambique.
Such large population need a lot of food .Their staple food was beef and milk. The herdmen keep this cattle for beef and milk over enormous areas. cattle grazed on the cooler highveld in summer and during the winter they changed to warm lowveld .In this norm they able to have lots of beef and dairy milk.
Other people were Artists and crafts people who made jewellery from gold and copper.They curved birds from stones like the bird which now used as national symbol.Pottery was also done where beautiful pots are made and decorated.
The cotton spun and wove cloth.The materials come from far away countries such as India and China and exchange with Gold and copper.Other traders come from other parts in Africa .They bought beads ,cloth ,pots and glass and exchanged with Gold and ivory from Great Zimbabwe.
The area probably abondoned because of overgrazing and overpopulation which resulted in degradation of natural resources.
There is more facts about this building which tourists can get after visited the site.
Other activities visitors can do is watching the pelagic birds around the woodlands,game viewing in Great LimpopoTransfronier Park and other small game ranch found around the area.Fishing,swimming,,ratting can be done in Lake Mtilikwi.


There are no special qualifications for becoming a business person, but it is useful to a well organised person who is ready to work extra time and with capability to work independently as well as a team and with clients/customes. A business person looks for an opportunity among numerous challenges and utilise it as seriously working in something that benefit the community people.
A business minded person is not selfish person but with abilities to share ideas ,hence should also find out as much information possible about what is happening around the world, so there is need to browse the internet ,reading newspapers, magazines,listen to radio and watch TV .If you can do all the above it is not enough, you should join other organised networks that provide opportunities for your business venture.You should try to attend business forum that has something to do with your ambitions.The secret of success is doing your ordinary work exceptionally well.
Finally remember ordinary people are not stupid, so you should listen to them and find out their needs and wants because they shall be your clients/customers.
Follow the feelings inside you.If you feel you must be a businessperson -wherever it is go for it, and fight hard to get there. Thanks to the advent of internet there are so many people out there who are looking for you to do real business with you why not look for them and join them.
Choose your friends very carefully ,to help you concentrate on what you want for your life. Avoid those people who always discourage and say negative about your ideas and suggestions ,those who are not genuine friends trying to turn down your aspirations and visiont urn you into something different.Your friends should encourage you and make you believe in your concepts which definitely make you confident, stronger ,and you can do the same for them.
In business it is good to work for win-win deal.Never think you are important to talk to ordinary people. They are important people,listen to them.
To be a business person you need to have lots of energy,enthusiasm and drive.And you must have a vision-big idea -of what the people's needs .And you have to persuade others that it's worth working for.
In conclusion, the important thing is what you are and what you do, not what you say or what you plan because talking and planning has its ends in itself ,but action approves your sayings and plans.
Be in business now not later!


Health is the way we don't experiences diseases. But we also need to keep our bodies fit through regular exercise and health eating habits.
Therefore health include the factors such as social life,religion or spiritual beliefs,sexual and environment.
Health is regarded as it treats a person as whole rather than dealing with the absence of diseases.Diseases from the word 'dis-ease' simply means not feeling well, is translated to mean anything which makes us not feeling well.Hence a health person need also to avoid anything which cause him/her not to be ease.
All over the world the adoption of human rights is now regarded as civilisation of the societies.Self -determination is claimed as fundamental human right and without it society ceased to be healthy.
HOW TO PROMOTE,MAINTAINING AND RESTORING HEALTH?There are various ways of promoting health.Since many people are perceived that health is because of what they eat ,so ensuring that they eat a balanced diet ,have enough sleep ,avoid unmanageable stress and so on.
The unstable mind led to poor uptake of food in the body.Or invite certain diseases. Hence stability is of fundermental importance.
Some societies like in Mexico believed in balanced diet should have certain colours not necessarily in terms of proteins,carbohydrates,mineral salts or fats.In this regard colour has psychological effect in human mind which help much to be health.Green from vegetation is believed to give serinity in the brain which is good for releasing hormones which prolong life.
There are so many methods used to promote health and hygiene to avoid particular disease outbreak.Health Education is simply campaigned through posters ,leaflets,videos and images to have awareness to the general population.
The aim of the compaign is to convince the public that certain behaviour change is healthier than others.
Health awareness programmes can be done in the form of music, dance and drama.These contribute to a person's contribution to have the sense of well being and spiritual health.
When people dancing music they reflect their inner happiness as music has meaning in ther cultural aspects.
Music regarded as the most useful tool to convey any messege even to an embryo.
Most recently in Zimbabwe the musician composed songs in relation to diseases like HIV & AIDS,CHOLERA AND SWINE FLUE to name only a few.
The other forms in which health is promoted in society are aroma therapy,colour therapy reflexology massage and so on.Many people involve themselves in this activities inorder to keep themselves healthy.
The sense of well being is enhence through looking at beautiful objects. Many people have interests to visit shows,art galleries and other art place such as sculpture gardens, and buy the paintings textiles , weavings as well as basketry inorder to decorate their houses.
Occupational therapy is creactive in promoting health as an injured person is occupied when doing something such as making baskets, pots or something else .When such prson is using skills by so doing the health is restored, to damaged muscles or bones.
There so many various methods used cultural as a way of promoting health to the people.In religion they is a saying which goes like , 'it better to lose the whole world than to lose your health.'

Kitchen Plans and its best Location in the Conducive Home Environment!

It is a room in which meals are prepared ,cooked and served (sometimes) .Other activities that take place in the kitchen are:
•washing of dishes ,scullery
•storage of food
•washing and ironing (laundering) of clothes.
•Knitting and sewing machines
A well planned kitchen should be both convenient and safe to work in a conducive environment. Before attempting to plan a layout ,it's necessary to decide on:
♦activities to be carried out in the kitchen
♦equipments which will be required for these activities .Equipments in a morden kitchen microwave oven ,convertible stove ,cupboards ,dish washer,tumble dryer ,washing machine ,fridge,freezer
It's always possible to plan a completely new kitchen equipment often has to be fitted in around existing doors and windows.Electrical wiring may be difficult to reposition.
The Kitchen should be located near a service door where deliveries are received.It also should be located where there is access to the front door ,bathroom and bedrooms without going through the living areas.Cookie (1994:115)says,morden designers who advises us to place a kitchen to the front of the house so that the housewife can see what is happening outside and leave the back of the house for the bedroom so that sleepers can be undisturbed.
However ,most Zimbabweans, kitchens mostly placed at the back of the house where tradesmen can reach it and at a strategic where dustbins can be removed more easily.
If possible it should be located near children's play area may be observed through the kitchen windows. The kitchen should be adjucent to the dining as well as the receiving doors.If possible a counter pass through to the dining room should be included and make serving more convinient.
Kitchen should be adjucent or same side with bathrooms because it's easy for plumbing ,drainage and septic and soak away tanks.And there should be a good amount of natural light.
Whatever your plan and design of a kitchen ,remember the basic work area of stove ,food storage ,sinks ,fridge all need counter space next to them.These three areas shouldn't be more than 3 metres apart to minimize amount of walking.We'll need 4 metres of counter space ,a back door should provide access to a kitchen yard which could contain the washing line,rubbish bin or vegetable garden and promote good environment to work on.
The door can lead to an area in the garden for outdoor dining .Try to include continous working surfaces at either side of the sink or cooker.The unbroken surface prevents awkward gaps which trap dirt and germs which are difficult to clean.An efficient kitchen has ample storage space .Larger kitchens can have ailment units which may combine cooking areas ,storage units ,work surface and easting zones.
Storage space can be provided in base units fitted work tops ,open shelves and wall cupboards should be designed to suit an average sized person.
The size is to a great extend determined by the number in the family and amount work should be done in the kitchen.Although morden kitchens are on the whole are fairly small .The kitchen can be planned to save time and space.
The kitchen should be on the coolest side of the house .Large surfaces should be in light tone and small objects such as light fittings ,door handles ,cupboards handles and curtains should have brighter tones.

Kitchen Plans and its best Location in the Conducive Home Environment!

It is a room in which meals are prepared ,cooked and served (sometimes) .Other activities that take place in the kitchen are:
•washing of dishes ,scullery
•storage of food
•washing and ironing (laundering) of clothes.
•Knitting and sewing machines
A well planned kitchen should be both convenient and safe to work in a conducive environment. Before attempting to plan a layout ,it's necessary to decide on:
♦activities to be carried out in the kitchen
♦equipments which will be required for these activities .Equipments in a morden kitchen microwave oven ,convertible stove ,cupboards ,dish washer,tumble dryer ,washing machine ,fridge,freezer
It's always possible to plan a completely new kitchen equipment often has to be fitted in around existing doors and windows.Electrical wiring may be difficult to reposition.
The Kitchen should be located near a service door where deliveries are received.It also should be located where there is access to the front door ,bathroom and bedrooms without going through the living areas.Cookie (1994:115)says,morden designers who advises us to place a kitchen to the front of the house so that the housewife can see what is happening outside and leave the back of the house for the bedroom so that sleepers can be undisturbed.
However ,most Zimbabweans, kitchens mostly placed at the back of the house where tradesmen can reach it and at a strategic where dustbins can be removed more easily.
If possible it should be located near children's play area may be observed through the kitchen windows. The kitchen should be adjucent to the dining as well as the receiving doors.If possible a counter pass through to the dining room should be included and make serving more convinient.
Kitchen should be adjucent or same side with bathrooms because it's easy for plumbing ,drainage and septic and soak away tanks.And there should be a good amount of natural light.
Whatever your plan and design of a kitchen ,remember the basic work area of stove ,food storage ,sinks ,fridge all need counter space next to them.These three areas shouldn't be more than 3 metres apart to minimize amount of walking.We'll need 4 metres of counter space ,a back door should provide access to a kitchen yard which could contain the washing line,rubbish bin or vegetable garden and promote good environment to work on.
The door can lead to an area in the garden for outdoor dining .Try to include continous working surfaces at either side of the sink or cooker.The unbroken surface prevents awkward gaps which trap dirt and germs which are difficult to clean.An efficient kitchen has ample storage space .Larger kitchens can have ailment units which may combine cooking areas ,storage units ,work surface and easting zones.
Storage space can be provided in base units fitted work tops ,open shelves and wall cupboards should be designed to suit an average sized person.
The size is to a great extend determined by the number in the family and amount work should be done in the kitchen.Although morden kitchens are on the whole are fairly small .The kitchen can be planned to save time and space.
The kitchen should be on the coolest side of the house .Large surfaces should be in light tone and small objects such as light fittings ,door handles ,cupboards handles and curtains should have brighter tones.

Home Maintenance:keeping furniture inorder and clean

Home is the best place where we rest after spent most of time doing different activities.For the cause of our health we need to practice sanitary standards that ensure our health is at an acceptable sanitary and hygienic standards.
Home maintenance can be simplified as keeping sanitary,hygienic practices that are acceptable such that we admire our home sorroundings.
Keeping an orderly ,clean home and sorrounding is very important .This helps us to be health and enjoy our homes.Whether you go North ,East ,West or South there is no place like your home.
Polishing of wood surfaces and frequent rubbing with a soft duster keeps wood in good condition for long time .Ensure that surface to be polished is completely free from dust and other dirt.
Apply polish very seldom and use very little on the floors otherwise surfaces become stick .Rub the polish to shine.
House cupboards should be kept tidy.Care should be taken to organise storage of all items properly.The shelves must be dusted regulary not daily
It is also necessary to decorate cupboards with flowers whether artificial and natural.However using natural flowers risking our oxygen during night as flowers compete with us for little oxygen available under the closed doors.Other decorating objects include sculptures of wood ,stone and so on.Used newspapers can be used to make paperlace for our shelves.
Organising and arranging furniture depends with your style it is also important to seek the advices of interior decorator.The size of your rooms is important to plan the suitable furniture to avoid crowd furniture.This means that there will be very little free space.
The arrangement of furniture should ensure protection from accidents.All individuals should walk free in the rooms without being endangered by fallen articles.No tools should hang in such a way that they appear dangerous to anybody in the house.
The tables and chairs must be of right size for everyone.Young children need comfortable tables when eating,drawing or writing.There should enough sitting place for every member and another extra to cater for visitors so that it worn't compromise the other family members .
Scouring is for removal of tarnishes .It varies with the nature of turnishes. They are two ways of removing tarnishes which are mechanical and chemical means.Through friction and use of acids respectively.
Mechanical means is to use hot soaping water to remove the grease ,remove the tarnish by friction with an abrasive.Abrasive should be carefully chosen for it is too hard ,it will ruin the surface of a metal for example fine abrasives plate polish used for silver.Medium abrasive fine salt for cleaning copper ,ash for dirt tinware and hard abrasive for example bath stone for hard metals like iron .Emery paper for the hardest metals like steel.
Roof is very for protecting us and our furnither from harsh weather conditions such as rain,snow,wind,dusts and so on.It is important to check the roof .Nearby trees can fall over the roof and cause it to crack.The dusts and other litter ,if left on the roof they compromise it strength and force it to leak.The leaking roof increase the humidity in our rooms.The high humidity cause bad odour in our house which become a bleeding ground for pathogens which makes us attacked by flue like allergies especially in the wet seasons.Repairing roof is good for maintain good conditions suitable for our sanitary needs.

Types of Families and Conflict management!

Due to the manace of HIV& AIDS many families especially in developing countries are left with no option only to adopt an extended families.
Extended family is a type of a family which includes the breadwinner/winners,grandparents ,aunts as well as other children from other parents living under the same roof.Nuclea family comprises of mother ,father and their children.
Advantages of an Extended Family:
♦It promotes unity amongst family members and hences socialisation is enhenced.
♦ Family help each other in times of crisis.
♦Work is shared among family members however the work has to be organised.
♦Ideas are shared.
♦Cultural heritage is kept alive in the family.
♦Children are taught general respect for adults.
Disadvantages of an Extended Family:
♦More conflicts are likely to occur due to large number of people.
♦The family budget is strained.
♦There is no personal security.
♦There can be high spread of diseases.
Advantages of a Nuclea Family:
♦The budget can be controlled and usually there are enough resources for the family if the family has been propery planned.
♦Less conflicts in the family.
♦Discipline and order are easy to maintain.
♦There is personal security in terms of ownership of equipment finance and policies.
♦Due to small number of ther family ,it is easier to maintain the environment.
Disadvantages of Nuclea Family:
♦There is limited socialisation .
♦Generally no respect for results of adults.
♦It discourages the preservation of cultural heritage and there is a tendency of following other cultures than normal in your community.
♦Limited support in times of need.
♦The family can be easily misled by neighbours.
Conflicts in the families almost every family conflicts arise ,why conflicts arise is not a problem? But how to manage every conflict is a challenge which need to be solved to continue with life on as a family.
Conflicts are verbal disagreements which can end up in fight,hatred or even death in families.
Causes of conflicts:
•financial disagreement ,unfaithfulness,
•misuse of gender equity ,
•grapevine communication(gossip)
•witch hunting
•envy,different cultural backgrounds,
•barreness and importence ,deaths in families,illness or children misbehaviours.
financial disagreements
Money is the major conflicting factor in most homes.This is because incomes may be short to meet family needs and wants.Poor use of income to priortise family's most needs before wants and luxuries.However remember it money's character of be lack,therefore never confused by short of money,but only to budget and stick it .Be transparence and discuss with your partner or other members of family to ensure your family financial needs are priortised and every member's views is included.Ensure that main basic requirements are provided for in the family.Get financial advice from honest and reliable friends or seek adivice of experts in your community.
Unfaithfulness is not acceptable, the most important thing you must have in your life is to be trusted.Trustworthness never earned like money ,but you have to work for it to be faithful,honest and reliable.You should be faithful in your family.Couples when involved in the situations of not be faithful to one another .Learn to sit down and reconcile each other.If you find yourself being labelled unfaithful learn to forgive yourself and your partner.Then work to accept your weaknesses.When your unfaithfulness is prolonged and you failed to control it within your family ,get counselling from ,church,family counsellor,or elders of your extended family.
Misuse of Gender Equity.These days women are advocating for being recognised in the communities as have the specific rights to be respected like men.Men should learn to give women their rights they are compaigning for,however never be succumbed to the mob psychology,examine your family and learn to live with your partner through accepting his/her characteristics and patiently work to accept you as you are.Get proper education about the human rights so as to apply them where applicable.

Types of Families and Conflict management!

Due to the manace of HIV& AIDS many families especially in developing countries are left with no option only to adopt an extended families.
Extended family is a type of a family which includes the breadwinner/winners,grandparents ,aunts as well as other children from other parents living under the same roof.Nuclea family comprises of mother ,father and their children.
Advantages of an Extended Family:
♦It promotes unity amongst family members and hences socialisation is enhenced.
♦ Family help each other in times of crisis.
♦Work is shared among family members however the work has to be organised.
♦Ideas are shared.
♦Cultural heritage is kept alive in the family.
♦Children are taught general respect for adults.
Disadvantages of an Extended Family:
♦More conflicts are likely to occur due to large number of people.
♦The family budget is strained.
♦There is no personal security.
♦There can be high spread of diseases.
Advantages of a Nuclea Family:
♦The budget can be controlled and usually there are enough resources for the family if the family has been propery planned.
♦Less conflicts in the family.
♦Discipline and order are easy to maintain.
♦There is personal security in terms of ownership of equipment finance and policies.
♦Due to small number of ther family ,it is easier to maintain the environment.
Disadvantages of Nuclea Family:
♦There is limited socialisation .
♦Generally no respect for results of adults.
♦It discourages the preservation of cultural heritage and there is a tendency of following other cultures than normal in your community.
♦Limited support in times of need.
♦The family can be easily misled by neighbours.
Conflicts in the families almost every family conflicts arise ,why conflicts arise is not a problem? But how to manage every conflict is a challenge which need to be solved to continue with life on as a family.
Conflicts are verbal disagreements which can end up in fight,hatred or even death in families.
Causes of conflicts:
•financial disagreement ,unfaithfulness,
•misuse of gender equity ,
•grapevine communication(gossip)
•witch hunting
•envy,different cultural backgrounds,
•barreness and importence ,deaths in families,illness or children misbehaviours.
financial disagreements
Money is the major conflicting factor in most homes.This is because incomes may be short to meet family needs and wants.Poor use of income to priortise family's most needs before wants and luxuries.However remember it money's character of be lack,therefore never confused by short of money,but only to budget and stick it .Be transparence and discuss with your partner or other members of family to ensure your family financial needs are priortised and every member's views is included.Ensure that main basic requirements are provided for in the family.Get financial advice from honest and reliable friends or seek adivice of experts in your community.
Unfaithfulness is not acceptable, the most important thing you must have in your life is to be trusted.Trustworthness never earned like money ,but you have to work for it to be faithful,honest and reliable.You should be faithful in your family.Couples when involved in the situations of not be faithful to one another .Learn to sit down and reconcile each other.If you find yourself being labelled unfaithful learn to forgive yourself and your partner.Then work to accept your weaknesses.When your unfaithfulness is prolonged and you failed to control it within your family ,get counselling from ,church,family counsellor,or elders of your extended family.
Misuse of Gender Equity.These days women are advocating for being recognised in the communities as have the specific rights to be respected like men.Men should learn to give women their rights they are compaigning for,however never be succumbed to the mob psychology,examine your family and learn to live with your partner through accepting his/her characteristics and patiently work to accept you as you are.Get proper education about the human rights so as to apply them where applicable.

Home Management is Good for Our Health and Wellbeing of the family!

When we decorate ,furnish,maintain and generally manage our homes internally and externally is part of home management.Louse -Le-Corbusier says ,it's a machine for living in a comfortable sustainable home.
Home is a place where people are cared for,respect each other 's differences ,accept the fact that each person's needs change with time ,share the chores as well as the pleasant things.
House refers to physical structure that man uses for shelter and the environment of that structure ,including all necessary services ,facilities and equipment needed and desired for physical , mental health,social ,family and individual well being.
Management is concerned with the effective use of resources at our disposal.
Therefore home management is concerned with the ways in which a family uses all it's available resources effectively .There are many factors which influence home management:
Family composition:The family life in stages predict the economic behaviours and performances.Families are better than the age of household.
Health:Consider the effect of illness on the family, financial resources the effect of chronic illness or disability on the operation of the household.Decisions making patterns differs by race or different couples.
Personality:Encompasses a person's characteristics ,trade and pattern of adjustment to his/her environment and to others.Organisation involves creating and maintaining order in household tasks and includes sequencing in planning and implementing.
Education:The effects of education of family members on home management are of three types:
(1)the long run effect of the extent of education on life chances for income and accompanying life expectations,
(2)the capacity of application of managerial processes, and
(3)short run effect of educational institutions on the daily living patterns of families.
The occupation effect of the father/mother on the family and its management depends on several factors:
•the relative importance of the occupation compared to the importance of the family.Social position in life,
•social status indicates a persives relationship of a person or a gap to other person or groups.Social status accounts for some of the differences which exist in family ,values ,attitudes ,expenditure patterns, decision making and life style,and
•values input into personal system affect child rearing practices.Values differ by social status.
Environment potential effect of the location of the household in rural or urban areas.Rural farm families spend more time on their household tasks although the effect of family size and children's age is considerably more important.
How do we manage a Task? We manage the task by perceiving the problem ,identify limiting factors ,discover the main variables of the situation and the critical activities ,decide on priorities and outline a plan of action.
Then we begin to carry out plan and modify if necessary .Evaluate processes and use a base for future problem solving.
What do we need to manage our Home?
Time,labour,energy ,money ,people ,skills,facilities ,materials and knowledge.
These factors interlink that's one can use one to get other factors .
Improve New Situations! By developing skills of following instructions accurately and include the development of fine manipulative movement,include planning and decision making, and qualities of an effective homemakers.