Saturday, September 25, 2010


Delivering customer satisfication reflects that a satisfied customer will call again or will retain business within your organisation and become your advertising agent .It enhances good company image.
How do let your prospective customers know who you are and what you do?
If it is your physical infrustructure it is the same with every other businesses : four walls ,a ceiling and a floor.But how do you stand out in your customer 's eyes ?Is your company 's name the first one they think of when they need your product?Can they tell a neighbour that your company is the first one they should try because you have had great success with them ? Is your company consistent in delivering what it says it does? 100% customer satisfication is very impossible because perfection is virtually hard to achieve. But the company can strive for consistency of having what the customer wants in the quantity they want it in ,and with efficient and knowledgeable and friendly employees to wait on them everyday.That is what will keep customers coming back to your business .everyday and not just at the holidays.
Your company look like it is business everyday or there are bare spot waiting for the next shipment?What challenges you experience to make people buy from you?Is your store merchandised and signed in such a way to make their experience an efficient and pleasant one?
Customers usually buy the source (manufacturer),they buy economy,how cheaper or expensive ,your performance how you react and serve.Customers also consider the effectiveness,taste or durability of the product.People opt for low running cost that's cheaper products or maintenance facilities to build or reconstruct some of their assets.
One of the most important things shoppers rate as important in their shopping experience is that of efficiency.People do not have time to make two or more trips back to your location to find out if you have received more of what they originally came in for, especially at the holidays.People will plan their shopping trips around ,who has the best selection at the best price and fastest service to get me in and out.
The old baseball saying ,one,two ,three strikes you are out ,would be wonderful if true business ,but it isn't .The customer now gives you one swing and if you can't satisfy them there is good chance you don't get another bat.
Buying motive of customers:People buy because it is a necessity to satisfy basic needs such as ordinary food,clothes etc.They may buy gifts and presents for their relatives and friends.They consider affordability for economy wise or buy for luxurious sake and out of greed.
Customers may also persue expensive for themselves ,to initiate other well known celebrites like David Backham or buy just for rememberance purpose.
Some buy goods just because it is fashionable ,accessible or its for seasonal purpose for example summer or winter wear.
Attitudes towards customers :Be polite and sincere ,don't be rough and rude to your customers.Be active reciptive businessperson when receiving customers.Offer helpful services as you give suggestive views and always advise on what next to be done.
A businessperson can be able to clearly help customers at all levels .For customer care to be clearly formulated it is ideal to have a clear understanding on the following:
♦A customer is the most important person in your business .These people are the major reason why you establish your business.
♦Customers are the life blood of this and other business ,that's they are the people who determine the survival of business as blood gives life so as customers are reasons of maintaining your business activities.
♦Customers don't depend on us ,but we depend on them .This illustrates that customers are the ones who we rely upon and hence they purchase our products or services, customers are part of our business without customers no business.And they don't interrupt our business ,but are the purpose of it.When arrives a worker should leave whatever doing and attend to customers.
♦Customers bring us what they want ,then it is our duty to fulfill these wants .The company should be able to offer alternatives.
These are not people to argue with ,the employees should not enter into arguments with the customers but rather should listen attentively to all customer's needs.They are the kings that enables our organisation to continuosly survive as we undertake the said day to day duties or activities.
♦A customer deserves the most courtsey and alternative treatment we can give him/her and we should be capable of handling our customers.And is not cold static but is a human being with feelings or emotions like ours .Customer's promises should be fulfilled if not these are the consequences:
Low sales and our business no longer have more money.No enough cashflow and no expansion or improper expansion

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