Saturday, September 25, 2010

Universial Consumer Rights Need to be observed for Fair Trade

•Right to basic needs.
•Right to be heard
•Right to a health environment
•Right to choose
•Right to consumer education
•Right to be informed
•Right to redress
What are these right means to the business and the consumers?
Right to basic needs is a consumer's right to basic goods and services which guarantee survival .These include food ,clothing ,shelter ,health care ,education and sanitation.
Right to safety means to be protected against products ,production processes and services which are hazardous to human health and life.
Right to Choose means the right to have access to a variety of products and services at a competitive prices and in the case of monopolise to have an assurance of satisfactory quality and service at a fair price.
Right to be Informed means to be freely given facts needed to make informed choices or decisions.Consumers must not misled in order to be lured to buy or poorly informed through adverts.They must be given accurate and adequate information which enabling them to act wisely and responsibly.The law need to protect consumers from misleading or in accurate publicity material whether included in advertising ,labelling ,packaging ,through public media,posters or by other means.
Right to be heard advocates for consumer's interests with the view to the receiving of full and sympathetic consideration in the formation and excution of other policies.It includes the right to representation in government and other policy making bodies as well as the development of products and services before they are produced and set on the market for sale.
Right to Redress aimed at fair settlement of just claims .It includes the right to receive compensation for misrepresentation ,shoddy goods or unsatisfactory services and the availability of acceptable forms of legal aid.
Right to Consumer Education the buyer should be freely exposed to acquire knowledge and skills of buying or using products to be an informed consumer throughout life when using these products.
Right to a Health Environment must be conducive so that it will enhance the quality of life.It includes protection against environment dangers over which the individual has no control .It acknowledges the need to protect and improve the environment for persent and future generations.
Responsibilities of a consumer is to take action. Social responsibility is to maintain the social morality in the society.
Be a critically awared person as a consumer as obliged to exercise your investigations and involve in the trade you regarded there treated fairly and is going to be a win win deal.Acting in solidarity where you ensure that you are not abused your rights,life or cheated ,but only treated as informed consumer.
Inaddition to this ,as a consumer you are supposed to know exactly what you are you want and should be able to know exactly how much you want? Gather the information adequately for the product you want to buy.
Shop and compare prices and quality.Check whether the product has quality guarantee as well as expiry dates.
Compare the credit costs ,cash costs ,lay-bye or hire purchase facilities for large items.
Always buy from a reputable dealer .Read instructions on the label or book before buying and using the product.Use and care for the product properly.It is the consumer's responsibility to keep receipt bills and invoices properly.
How to handle a complaint? When you feel that you have a complain,you should have the following.
•State your name ,conduct address and telephone numbers.
•State correct date of complaint ,have a nature of subject.
•Identify the name of manufacturer ,product code and serial number.
•You need the purchase information like sales receipts,date of purchase information ,place of purchase and sales person.
•Identify defects and state whether guarantee was given or not .Within a week of submission .
•You should expect a reply ,a refund ,a repair,a replacement ,adjustment ,a correction ,information change of policy or an apology.
•Always include a date by which you expect your demands to be acted upon so that if no action is taken further actions can be taken .If you have any other previous information on complaints of the same nature indicate them to give more value to your complain.

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