Merchandising is the lay down of goods or products or caring them in a certain shop .A merchandiser is a sales representative who works in a supermarket ,wholesale,showground ,online ,expositions or trade fairs.This person employs by the agent or manufacturer or distributor of the products .
Products must not storked any how in any space set for marketing.They should stratergically laid such that fast moving products must be near the cash point such as perishable products ,milk,bread ,eggs,sweets and others.
Foodstuff should be at all times covered.FIFO:First in First out should always be practised .The stuff should always laid in their categories that is dertegents,hardware,soft goods or grocery.
Don't handle food with bare hands .Observe safety on stork taking and don't overstork perishables.
Related products should be closely packed for example butter,bread ,eggs.Arrange products in the shelves in an attractive manner so as to attract an eye of the customer thus being more competitive on the market.
Make sure that products on the shelves are not expired,clean and strong all the time.Ensure all the products are displayed on their proper place categorically or environmentally next to their sister product with their required temperature.
Customer's convinience should be placed within the customer's reach and keeping shelves well storked.Adhering to FIFO principle or LILO the opposite Last in Last out.
Responding positively to customers' question and being have product knowledge so that customer's queries can be fully answered.Make sure when demostrate or advertising products is done properly.
Effectiveness and efficience will be enhanced,enables one to reduce errors at work. Ability to complete the said duty in a stipulated time.Promotion at work as proper understanding of production as regards of what is expected of promoter.Enhance company's image if sales representative professionally dealing with the public
Product knowledge has three categories:
core product knowledge is the clear understanding of basic infrustructure knowledge of the product's main components,what customer should do after purchasing the product.Tangible product knowledge is the ability to demostrate fully what expected on customer when using the product.The ability to perform under minimum guidance and supervision .Ensuring that the product has been almost rated how it operates at all levels.
Intangible product knowledge this is when the representative is performing duties as per company's proceduring instructions .This ensure one should perform duties even if she/he does not clearly understand what is expected.
Training departments entells the one should know what representative is expected .Equips the individual with basic knowledge as well as enable him/her to perform duties in the prescribed manner .Training could be in house or at recognised institutions.
Other experienced members of staff ,a new employee should be required to follow instructions
assisted by individual who served the organisation for a long time.
Through one 's intiative, this only happens to those who will perform the daily activities beyond tthe expected standard without product knowledge then it will be difficult for a worker to perform the duties to the expected standard
People who occupied themselves helping the community development economically stand a better chance to groom themselves better than those lazy!
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