There are many investment opportunities in Zimbabwe despite the fear that Zimbabwe is debating the indegeneous policy.The foreigners who wish to investment is free to invest in the mining and manufacturing industries.
The best option of investing is to be in joint venture with the local investors.The first port of call is the Zimbabwe Investment Centre.The board regulates the investors and is the Government Agency for fair trade.
In manufacturing industries such as textiles ,cutley ,herbal cosmetics,power and cable manufacturing and other services.
In mining the investment opportunities are wide open .The mining sector has vast untapped potential and contributes significantly to Zimbabwe's economy in the form of mineral exports and employment creation.Mining accounts for 4%of Zimbabwe 's GDP ,about 4,5% of employment and is now set to be the major exports earner.
Major minerals are gold ,platinum ,asbestos,chrome ,iron,diamond,Platinum group of minerals .nickel ,copper coal bed methane and coal.The production of these mineral decline for the past recent years because of Zimbabwe's poor international relations.
The mining sector is projected to be the potential industry to revamp the Zimbabwe economy.There is overall recovery of the economy if the mining sector is fully utilised.
The eastern highlands contain tracts of evergreen mountains.The rainforests which although very small in relation to the rest of the country,contain more than 60% of woody species found in zimbabwe.Over 620 bird species have been identified in Zimbabwe .According to the birds expert Peter Ginn, more of these fascinating birds are found in these magnificent forests of the eastern highlands.
This small forest robin is widespread in the small patches of forests from Nyanga in the north stretching southwards along the border with Mozambique via Bvumba mountains ,Chimanimani to Chipinge in the far down south-east of Zimbabwe.
The birds are difficult to locate because of their small size and very thick evergreen forests.The sounds which is very melody when they have distinctively call partners will enable bird watchers to locate them during the bleeding season will respond to tape -recording of their call.
They are usually found in the areas of fair amount of undergrowth. within the forests as they are ground feeders and need the cover provided by this undergrowth.The movement of birds in the forests is restricted by the presence of thickets .The main food of birds is small insects and and small berries.
The timber industry is made possible in Zimbabwe because of forest plantations exotic and indigenous species.
The plantation or industrial forests of pine,eucalyptus and wattle are located along this rich eastern highlands strip.This form the basis for a large forestry-based industry,which contributes to the construction ,furniture ,packaging ,pulp and paper industries.The plantation owned by Government through the agent Forestry Commission and the private sector.
The eastern highlands is the coolest part of Zimbabwe and receives highest amount of rainfall.This makes it unique climate to the of whole country. The tourists who want to enjoy the beauty of nature and and feel serene as they admire the green parks which inspired serenity and relaxation. European pioneers to visit this place described it as, ''The little England''.
There are five star hotels in Nyanga Troutbeck,Bvumba ,Chimanimani and Chipinge.
People who occupied themselves helping the community development economically stand a better chance to groom themselves better than those lazy!
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