Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Rationale of clothing and the stratergic plan of you Suit Cultural Wardrobe!

Clothes used for many purposes and many reasons such as anatomy the need for protection closely linked to the desire for comfort .An understanding of the anatomical structure of the human body and its movement is essential for comfortable ,convienent and practical creation of functionally designed clothing.
The urge to beautify through adonment is perhaps second only to the basic drives linked to biological survival.Clothing acts as a resilient cushion between a man and his environment shielding him from the harmful elements of the climate ,infection etc.Inorder for one to make the most effective of this clothing in the physical sense enhences someone to understand and have some knowledge of the physical propertises fabrics and garments.
People psychologically responds to the stimuli of clothing as it motivate them and percieved them to respond to search for beauty and adornment.The ornamental potential of clothing is an important outlet Artistic drive and self expression as well a source of tremedous ,sense of satisfication.
Human behaviour's aspects of dress is traced through the rise and decline of fashions as a whole and is provided by the concepts of role and status roles and status in society to determine fashion trends.
Clothing serves as a symbol of the role and status of the individual in society and obtains for the wearer the rewards of recogniton,approval and identification.
Wardrobe Planning :Before you select new clothes examine your wardrobe at the beginning of the summer and winter seasons and decide which garments you will be able to use and which should be discarded.Before discard a garment consider the possibilty of renovating it , making it a different garment outfit or donating it to the needy people out the who lack simple piece to cover their body.
When you have decided what you need and how much money you prepared to spend on new clothes,do your buying carefully and systematically so that you will meet all the requirements of your wardrobe.
Choose clothes that are suitable to your personality.The type of clothes and the styles and colours you choose should form a pleasing background for personal characteristics and should give you a feeling of satisfication.For example ,the quiet,shy ,retiring person will wear pastel or grey colours ,unobstructive styles and fabrics of soft texture ,the gay vivacious person will choose colours that are bright and warm,gaily printed fabrics in a variety of textures and carefree styles.The dramatic type of a person who always attract the attention of others will wear flashy colours in striking combination and ultra -modern styles .The dainty feminine type of person will choose soft lines and fabrics of soft textures as well as transparent ones,and colour harmonies that enhences her personal colourful.
Your wardrobe should include clothes that are suitable for your occupation or profession as well as for other occassions where your presence is required because of your social positision or special unique activities.
Choose clothes that are suitable for the seasons .Clothes that are appropriate to the weather protect your health and give you necessary comfort.For summer you may want clothes made of light-weight ,cool fabrics such as cotton ,linens ,thin silk and synthetic fabrics in cool colours .For winter you will need clothes made of wool or thick synthetic mixture of fabrics in warm colours to keep you warm ,a waterproof coat and shoes to protect you from rain.
Consider quality rather than quantity .A few garments of good quality and in simple styles are in good taste and will serve you longer than several elaborate and cheap ones.
If your clothing allowance is limited ,choose a few basic clothes such as a coat ,skirt and a couple of blouses.A cardigan ,a few simple frocks and a basic suit which would be suitable for all ocassions by the inter change of accessories such as scarves ,jewellery,shoes ,hat ,gloves and handbags
Decide on a colour scheme.The colours of your clothes and accessories should be blended well .Such outer garments like suits and coats you are likely to wear for several seasons will affect the choice of you colour scheme.
Choose new clothes that can be worn with a coat or accessories such as hats ,shoes,handbags and gloves that are already part of your wardrobe.When you buy fabrics for garments you intend making yourself, consider their suitability texture and durability and whether they will lend themselves to dry -cleaning or laundering.
No wardrobe is complete without comfortable well-fitting foundation garments.
Choose undergarments that will not make ugly folds and creases under your frocks and suits and their fit in line .Choose underwear that will not readily be spoilt by frequent laundering .
The night wear should be suited to the cold and the warm seasons should satisfy your needs.
A choice shoes should fit well comfortabl, durable and easy to clean, accessories that suit to your clothes, hats to suits your clothes and the occassions for which they will be required.The style and the colours of stockings change with the seasons.

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