Saturday, October 2, 2010


Money is the language every nation can understand.The money as a subject is more topical ,complexity and very controversial.
Everyone's business whether small or big is concerned of earning money for continuous smooth running and expansion.Every developed and developing countries are differentiated by how much they earn.All the wheels of industry and commerce are powered by money.The wars fought worldwide the causes was to get more money from resources targeted aggressive merchants.Some people say they are making money when they simply earn money.Individual making of money is simply regarded as a crime because you are producing fake notes.
Some people perceived that when educated you can earn more money than when don't have education.However there are some people out there in the world who managed to be more richer in terms of money without any professional education to show on the table. A person who regarded as gullible can earn millions of dollars whilst a PHD can live without penny only claiming being educated.
Our school system is designed to organise our minds into an acceptable norm and certain moral standards.It replaces ignorance,reduces conflicts and improve the quality of living through reinforcing what is good in our culture values and suppressing unacceptable behavioural attitudes which has detrimental effects in the society.
Our education system became more useful in all these aspects and have its shortcomings in enlightening how to earn money.
Let's have a clear definition of money. Economists say money is the medium of exchange acceptable anywhere for any goods and services rendered.The more useful or precious in the form of services or the goods the more is the money rewarded.This not only motivates to continue supply the product,but also enable to intellectually and spiritually enrich the producer/provider of the product. Therefore money is an idea agreed by society and symbolised in the form of coins and notes.It can also be in the form of plastic processed through banking system or buildings traded as real estate or shares traded in the stork exchange markets or traded in forex market where the different values of money of different countries exchanged.For example British pound and USDollar change hands on the forex exchange market.
To accumulate more wealth one has to have the full knowledge of money as an idea.Most people get confused to understand the idea of money hence they are poor.It's like the idea of computer language HTML, XHTML, PHP,JAVA if you don't understand this software language you failed to benefit from using computer effectively.
The main cause of poverty is poverty consciousness.Poverty is when someone has a problem of acquiring the resources then feel lack and limited.
There are many strategies of earning money done in many societies:
•The trading time of money is the most worst method of earning money.The problem is of saturation as you run out of time.When spend time pursuing a degree of wealth you are risking your life. You compromise on the transport you use, accommodation you live in ,fashion you wear and vacations you are persuing wind which you never meet anymore.
•Investing money to earn more money.This idea is mainly used by very few people , the major reason is that the most lanked few richest persons use this strategy.It is because few people have money to invest.The majority of investors employ the services of professional persons who are trustworthy and reliable to do this service.This is where you take advantage of other people 's efforts by setting up multiple sources of income.This is obviously the best stratergy of increasing wealth.
Have many sources of income.The Babylonians were the first to use this stratergy .These days very very few people around the world are using this strategy.Money is the ultimate servant .The more you earn the more the wants you need to fulfill and the more you need to help and employ more people.
In conclusion earning money is not concerned with gathering lot of Education degrees or working hard ,but rather working smarter ,identify the opportunity from a challenge and capitalise on it using substantive methods to earn money. Money idea is only understood to those people who are skilled on conceptualised things and situations.

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