Saturday, October 2, 2010

Personal hygiene is good for our health!

It involves taking regular care of one's skin ,hands ,nails ,teeth ,eyes,ears,hair and skull.Cleaniness plays the vital role in preventing disease and developing a positive self image.Health education is an awareness designed to prevent getting sick by helping people to practise healthy habits.They must understand that keeping clean is essential for good health.It is important to keep neighbourhood clean ,especially toilets and water points .These can quickly become dirty through other people's selfish dirty habits.Helping children to be aware of their responsibilities in preserving a clean environment is effective way of grooming them to develop positive attitudes towards personal cleanliness and towards community cleanliness. A child who is clean well groomed and physically fit is more likely to be confident to oneself than one who is not clean and well groomed.
Skin is important to bath daily to keep pores open particulary in hot weather .If the skin is not cleaned frequently it produce unpresent odour ,because of the dirty.Washing and Bathing help the skin to be healthy.It is always good to take a bath daily.
Bathing or showering has a refreshing effect and taking a bath daily helps to keep the skin healthy.You need toilet soap ,bath towel ,sponge ,comb and a face cloth.
It is necessary not to exchange your bathing items to reduce the spread of skin diseases.
When bathing /showering take care of the underarms,neck,behind ears,behind toes ,between legs and between the back need special attention.Hands and nails should be rubbed with a soapy sponge and rense the whole body thoroughly with clean water and then dry yourself with a towel.
The most common skin problems are caused by keeping skin harsh and dirty.Managing your skin in summer where scorching heat and blistering heat waves. Skin need an extra protection during summer it is necessary to avoid cream and heavy eye shadow which crease into the folds of eyelid in an unsightly scene.
Heavy make up is not good in very hot conditions as the chemicals melt and dripping away and consequently your make up become too dirty and messing your skin whilst dirtying your clothes.Avoid using petroleum jelly on your skin because they attract a lot of dirt and consequently block your skin pores.The pores are useful in producing sweat which regulates your body temperature during hot conditions. Blocked pores results in pimples and blackheads.
In summer it is necessary to use moisturiser even if your skin is oily.Moisturiser do not contain oils.However buy oil free moisturiser if your skin is oily.
Good hygiene practice is far much important ,wash armpits thoroughly and buy anti-perspirant,deodrant and foot powder for your feet
Wash your feet daily with soap and water.
Keep it dry and clean.Some feets are usually harsh and cracks because of lack of natural oils.Apply petroleum jelly between your toes.It is wise to wear shoes that help to make feet maintains its oil .The shoes must fit well as they cause corns if they are tight.Keep it dry and clean particulary between toes to avoid toe infections.Socks need to be washed regulary to avoid bad odour and infections.
Hands and Nails are most used body parts ,hence become dirty easly.It is important to keep nails short and well neat at all times. This is because fingure nails hub bacteria and cause food contamination especially those who use hands directly when eating.Always wash hands thoroughly when making ,handling and eating food.Hands should be washed after using the toilet to remove germs.After and before eating hands should be washed because food plagues hub gems .Wash you hands many times a day.Nails should be trimmed and kept short.Srub your nails to get rid of germs After cutting your nails short ,shape the using a nail file. Avoid picking nose with fingures as this cause nose to irritates because possibly left gems in the nose.
Eyes are important for us to make us see all the beauty of our beloved world.Eyes are delicate organs which can be injured easly, and contract many diseases thus need of special care. It is wise to clean eyes using clean water.Which means when are bathing start with the face while the water is still clean.Avoid sharing face towels as this cause the spread of diseases infections.Wash your eyes daily. Always use good light when reading ,too much brightness damages sight.Where as dim light turns to make eyes to tire easly ,so avoid reading whilst moving on the vehicles as this strains eyes.Don't overwork your eyes they need rest and use spectacles after the medical doctor's advice.
The hair beautifies and protects your head from sun and cold.Hair need to be cut short and well maintained as it produces bad odours from its natural oils.These oils is the good bleeding areas of lice and fleas.Scap hair problems related to skin conditions ,for example ring worms,wound and dandruff.Care of scap hair wash the hair every day using soap or shampoo.Rense thoroughly then dry thoroughly ,comb ,plait or brush hair dailyRemember sharing comb led to spread of lice and fleas. Always apply suitable hair oils.

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