Saturday, October 2, 2010


Hygiene is the promotion of cleaniless and prevention of diseases by maintain,healthy sanitary conditions.It includes both both personal and environmental hygiene.
Good grooming is possible for everyone to be well groomed and to have an attractive appearance,if dresses,testfully and suitably with cream in every respect are poised all formed. It is good to maintain good posture while moving or sitting.A good posture helps the organs of the body to remain in their correct position.When walking ,practise keeping your head straight and high.Keep your shoulders backwards and pulling your stomarch in whilst walking straight.
When sitting on a chair keep your body straight,your shoulders should be straight and feet flat on the ground.
Avoid an attractive mannerism ,don't repair your make up or comb hair on public.Don't bite your nails teeth you may speed teeth decay.
Use suitable formal expressions to potray your emotions such expressions should never be exagerated.
Good looking teeth gives good smile and proper chewing.Care of the teeth is extremely important especially since most people cannot replace lost tooth,for it is too expensive. In addition to this ,it is much better to prevent tooth decay than to be left with holes or rotting teeth which have to be pulled.It is important to convince children to look after their teeth right from beginning.Dirty brownish teeth habours bacteria which cause halitosis(bad breath)
Food plays a very important part in keeping healthy teeth .Certain foods cause teeth to rot :sweets,sugar ,sweet fizzy drinks,sweet biscuits ,white bread and buns.These cause rapid tooth decay especially if the teeth are not being cleaned.
It is much advised to eat alternative foods such as nuts,fruits,maize seeds and other natural foods.Many fruits such as mangoes help to clean the teeth.
Children should be trained to brush teeth at a very early age to avoid bad breath and tooth decay.
Brush teeth at regular intervals preferably after every meal to remove food plagues from teeth or atleast twice a day (morning and evening).Use a tooth brush or toothstick and toothpaste. Remove any food plagued between teeth because it causes bad smell.
Wet the tooth brush and apply the tooth paste on the brush.Clean the front bottom and upper teeth.Brush the gums and move the brush upwards and downwards in circular movements.Clean the back of the upper teeth and then the lower teeth.Rinse them with clean water. Then wash the brush and keep it in a clean tumbler.Avoid the brush that iritates or damage the gums.Avoid eating many sweets and sugary foods as they cause tooth decay. Help prevent choking on food
among infants and toddlers :
Teach your child to sit quietly while eating and to thoroughly chew and swallow food.
Don't let your youngster play, run or ride in a car with food, gum or candy in the mouth.Carefully inspect food labels for information about choking risks.
Drink a lot of meal water or water contains calcium which makes them strong.Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables is good for health teeth.
Eyes are important for us as they make us see all the beauty of our beloved world.Eyes are delicate organs which can be injured easly, and contact many diseases.They need special care. It is wise to clean eyes using clean water.Which means when bathing start with the face while the water is still clean.Avoid sharing face towels as this cause the spread of diseases infections.Wahs your eyes daily. Always use good light when reading ,too much brightness damages sight.Where as dim light turns to make eyes to tire easly ,so avoid reading whilst moving on the vehicles as this strains eyes.Don't overwork your eyes they need rest and use spectacles after the doctor's advice.
The hair beautifies and protects your head from sun and cold.
Hair need to be cut short and well maintained as it produces bad odours from its natural oils.These oils is the good bleeding areas of lice and fleas.Scap hair problems related to skin conditions ,for example ring worms,wound and dandruff.Care of scap hair wash the hair every day using soap or shampoo.Rense thoroughly then dry thoroughly ,comb ,plait or brush hair daily.Remember sharing comb led to spread of lice and fleas.Apply suitable hair oils.
Ears should be cleaned using a soap towel and rensed with clean water.Wash your ears daily with with soap and clean water.Take extra care at the back of eard.People usually insert instruments such as match sticks,hair pins,safety pins , feathers or other sharp objects into the ears.It is unadvisable.Never use these instrument while moving in a vehicle or walking.Ears can easily enjured.They are important and they need special care.Void slapping anyone on the ear.

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