Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The watchful characteristics of Entelopes and loving friendliness of the Zebras

Most of people especially tourists and travellers talk of the so called,'big five' -elephant,rhino,buffalo ,lion and leopard/cheetah. There are so many wonderful animals found mainly in game reserves like antelopes and zebras. In zimbabwe antelopes and zebra are found in almost every National park,game reserve or wildlife farms.
Most of the beautiful antelopes in Zimbabwe are found in thick grasslands as rams(males) favour less trees because of horns which can be distrubed by tree branches when moving or when running away from an enemy.'Impala' is a Ndebele name and the Chishona dialect called it 'Nhoro'.
The adult rams are plain reddish-brown coat and horns shaped like an old musical instrument called the lyre, but the horns can actually be 90 centimetres long(three feet).The female entelope is whitish-brown without horns. It is difficult to be attacked because of its speed and can not hindered by trees than the male counterpart when running away.
It is difficult to get close the entelopes as they are frightened when they see human beings. So those taking photos can use zooms . Rams like this ones are always on guard looking out for leopards,cheetah,crocodiles ,lions ,spotted hyenas and wild dogs.
The matured rams looked so tall and strong and alert as they guard.They can jump more than nine metres (30 feet) in a distance and two and half metres (8 feet) high. Entelope's meat is lean with less fat which is so much delicious found in most food outlets around Zimbabwe especially resorts areas and hotels.
Friendly zebras are affectionate animals which are good at loving and caring for each other. Coming close the zebras is so easy as they stand fairy still, such that taking photograph is simply good and they are plenty of them in Zimbabwe national parks and game reserves.These species are quite friendly and are sweet with each other!
Zebras in the family of donkeys or horses are black and whitish-browinish stripped. They liked to be together in herds such that attacking them is so difficulty.
Zebras are easily attacked by dangerous animals like lions and leopards when separated from the herds. However they are good at galloping especially when running for its life from enemies.
Zebra's meat is delicious and one of the soft and tastier. The meat can be available in areas where game's meat is offered and resort hotels. Animal lover describe this animals as the good teacher for moral values of caring and loving as you can develop sense of thinking for others when observing these friendly animals.As you memories this animal you found yourself thinking how good and beautiful characters exposed by zebras in awesome of its creation.

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